Mark Guzdial at UMich

Hi! My name is Mark Guzdial. I’m a Professor in Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Michigan.

I’m the Director of Program in Computing for the Arts and Sciences in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA).

I’m one of the core Engineering Education Research Faculty.

I have courtesy appointments in the School of Information and the Marsal Family School of Education.

Brief Biography: Mark Guzdial is a Professor in Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Michigan. He studies how people come to understand computing and how to make that more effective. He was one of the founders of the International Computing Education Research conference. He was one of the leads on the NSF alliance “Expanding Computing Education Pathways” which helped US states improve and broaden their computing education. He invented and has written several books on the “Media Computation” contextualized approach to computing education. (See a TEDxGT talk on MediaComp.) With his wife and colleague, Barbara Ericson, he received the 2010 ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator award.  He is an ACM Distinguished Educator and a Fellow of the ACM. His most recent book is Learner-Centered Design of Computing Education: Research on Computing for Everyone (Morgan & Claypool, 2015). He received the 2019 ACM SIGCSE Outstanding Contributions to Education award (see my keynote video here).

You should go visit my blog to see what I do and think about.

My publications page is here. My CV is here. My Google Scholar page is here.

I have created a small Media Computation page here.


PhD Students:

  • Bahare Naimipour (in EER)
  • Tamara Nelson-Fromm (in CSE)
  • Emma Dodoo (in EER, co-advised with Lisa Lattuca)
  • Aadarsh Padiya (in SI, co-advised with Barbara Ericson)

Recent PhD Student Alums: