Media Computation is an approach to teach computer science and programming that uses media to motivate and contextualize learning.  Students manipulate pixels of a picture and samples of a sound, to shift levels of abstraction in data and to see how algorithms abstract across data types.  A short TEDxGT talk demonstrating Media Computation is available here:

Screenshot of JES with an image manipulation and Python code visible.

There are four Media Computation textbooks:

  • Introduction to Computing and Programming in Python: A Multimedia Approach (Amazon link)
  • Introduction to Computing and Programming in Java: A Multimedia Approach (Amazon link)
  • Problem Solving with Data Structures using Java: A Multimedia Approach (Amazon link)
  • Exploring Wonderland: Java Programming Using Alice and Media Computation (Amazon link)

Frontmatter (including Table of Contents) from 4ed Python intro book. Frontmatter-Python4ed-Proofs

Access to Jython Environment for Students (JES) releases, now in Version 6.0:
(Counts for JES downloads can be found here.)

Special version just to work with Mac OS X High Sierra and later:  jes-5.mac02-snapshot-macosx

There are lots of ways to do Media Computation outside of Jython today. There’s a Python 3 version (see blog post here), and we’re using a teaspoon language and Snap in a class here at University of Michigan (see course page here).

Image manipulation in Python 3 -- two manipulated images on left, Python code on right

The Media Computation website can be found here. The Python 4ed Errata website is here.